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The Legacy of Jules Chametzky

In this full-day event, the morning session focused on collective commemoration of the life of Jules Chametzky--the teacher, mentor, scholar, family man, and activist. The proceedings open with a poem written for the occasion, read by its author, Martín Espada. Memories from family members follow, and then those of friends. The morning concludes with a talk on "Black Reparations, Present and Future," by William A. Darity--a subject that Jules spoke about often.

The afternoon session focused on scholarly, political, and literary work that echoes that of Jules Chametzky--the teacher, mentor, scholar, family man, and activist. The proceedings open with two accounts from friends of Jules, Shaun O'Connell and Andrew Lass. The lecture “Chametzkyan Studies and Their Future,” given by Werner Sollors, follows. The day concluded with two panel discussions: "Chiaroscuros of the Possible" with Nia Imara, Hilene Flanzbaum, Nathan McClain, and Hilary Plum, with Stephen Clingman, moderator; and "Different Voices, Shared Values" with Doug Anderson; Jacqueline Loss; Robin McLean; and J. Michael Terry, with Arlyn Diamond, moderator.

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