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April 2023 Contributor Publications

Karin Cecile Davidson's collection of stories, The Geography of First Kisses, is out now from Kallisto Gaia Press. Her story "In the Great Wide" was published in our Spring 2020 issue.













Mary Fister's poetry collection Quick to Bolt has just been published by Green Writers Press. We published Mary's poem "Parting Shots" in our Spring 2002 issue.













Our 2019 Anne Halley Poetry Prize winner Amit Majmudar has a new collection out; Black Avatar: And Other Essays with Acre Books. His award-winning poem "Invasive Species" was published in our winter 2018 issue, Asian American Literature Rethinking the Canon.













I Am My Country and Other Stories is the debut collection from Kenan Orhan. The collection, out now with Random House, includes the story, "Soma," which was first published in our Spring 2018 issue.







If you’re a past contributor to MR and have an upcoming book, please email us at



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