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schutzbunker she says sternly facing us on tagesshau public television paid with our taxes both parts of this untranslatable german noun a blatant lie there is no bunker in gaza for the maimed, hurt, terrorized, killed, abandoned, starving, crazy with terror and fear palestinian all-gender people and their children nor is there protection because annihilation is the goal does anybody want to say final solution what else does this slaughter ask you to see

schutzbunker she says this egoshooter superego superyoung person who wasn’t born when napalm hit vietnam who is teaching herself and other people how to tell hot stories like lies about bunkers and protection and yes nonchalantly nodding to the evidence not all civilians can find safety she says not moving a face muscle so yes almost one tenth of the palestinian people killed is a sound number for collateral damage

schutzbunker she says how can anyone begin to imagine the terror in palestinian hearts what is worse the bombs or the lies the devastation or the callousness the IDF or staatsraison speaking as special correspondent from some high ground in the white bauhaus city not batting an eyelash her heart an iceblock her next vacation secured her fame up and coming her public salary safe her mediterranean dinners before her

schutzbunker she says and where is a shitstorm when we really need it and i can only think of in the wake and thank christina sharpe once again at least I have those three words I hope she won’t mind but the defeat is beyond words and my legs are catatonic and I don’t even want to try crying feeling useless we are in the hands of criminals who don’t do schutzbunkers, ever.

Al-Mawasi, 13 July 2024

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