Beete Huye Lamhon Ki Kasak
- By Mahendra Kapoor, translated by Tabish Khair

Don't say adieu yet, my friends, in pain;
We don't know where we might meet again.
Because. . .
The touch of shared moments we'll continue to share,
The touch of shared moments we'll continue to share,
We shall meet perhaps in dreams, not a nightmare.
The touch of shared moments we'll continue to share,
We shall meet perhaps in dreams, not a nightmare.
The touch of shared moments we'll continue to share.
This autumn drenched in all the colours of love,
These faces, these glances, these postures, the sky above,
Wherever we may go, this fragrance will be there.
Wherever we may go, this fragrance will be there.
The touch of shared moments we'll continue to share.
We shall meet perhaps in dreams, not a nightmare.
Keep it watered in your hearts like a flower,
Keep it watered in your hearts like a flower,
Keep the lamp of memories lit by the hour,
This is a long journey, and night will fall somewhere.
This is a long journey, and night will fall somewhere.
We shall meet perhaps in dreams, not a nightmare.
The touch of shared moments we'll continue to share.
This wealth of moments that we all have gathered,
These emotions we gifted, these thoughts that mattered,
Even when nothing is left to us, this treasure will be there.
The touch of shared moments we'll continue to share.
We shall meet again in dreams, not a nightmare.
The touch of shared moments we'll continue to share.
TABISH KHAIR is an advisory editor to the Massachusetts Review and the author of various books, including the poetry collections Where Parallel Lines Meet and Man of Glass; the literary studies Babu Fictions: Alienation in Indian English Novels and Literature Against Fundamentalism; and the novels The Body by the Shore, Just Another Jihadi Jane, The Bus Stopped, Filming, The Thing About Thugs, and How to Fight Islamist Terror from the Missionary Position as well as the story collection Namaste Trump.