New Beers Resolutions
- By Marsha Bryant

Are you in a beer slump, do you steer
Clear of tastes unlike those you hold dear?
Well, I have a solution:
New Beers Resolutions!
I tried it; there’s nothing to fear.
If you like a clean lager (no frills),
Here’s a beer that might just fit your bill:
For Rebellion Red Lager
Has a touch of swagger
With sweetness and crispness instilled.
Beer for breakfast? Why not go for sweet
Instead of a savory treat?
Cinnamon Bacon Roll
Just might be your beer goal—
Tastes like pastry that’s fresh off the sheet.
If a pourable Reese’s you seek,
Then you’re in for a boozy-sweet break!
Peanut Butter Cup
Is the beer to drink up;
The lactose notes make it unique.
Tasting Notes
Rebellion Red Lager. Yellowhammer Brewing, Huntsville, AL. 5.4% ABV.
Pours a medium amber color, finely carbonated, with a beige head and light mouthfeel. The sip is sweet-forward with notes of lightly roasted barley at your mid-tongue. Unlike most Ambers, this beer finishes crisply with a bright, hoppy taste. Quaffable, but take time to savor the flavor.
Bacon Cinnamon Roll Flavored Cream Ale. 903 Brewers, Sherman, TX. 6% ABV.
With an aroma akin to Cinnabon’s classic rolls, this beer pours a clear straw color with just a tad of white head. Boasting “big brunch flavors,” it blends the sweetness of vanilla icing with bready flavors. I didn’t pick up the bacon notes, but there’s a tongue-tingle in the cinnamon finish.
Peanut Butter Cup Imperial Stout. Southern Tier Brewing Co., Lakewood, NY. 10% ABV.
Pours an opaque black with a frothy tan head, and a sweet aroma with hints of malt and peanut butter. Lightly carbonated, this beer is going for the confectioner’s sugar + peanut butter flavor in the classic Reese’s candy—but with a more bittersweet chocolate flavor that the wheat malt smooths out. Your childhood favorite is all grown up with this boozy finish.
MARSHA BRYANT writes about literature, culture, and craft beer. Her recent essays appear in The Bloomsbury Handbook to Sylvia Plath, the online journal Humanities, and the textbook Impact of Materials on Society. Marsha teaches at the University of Florida. Her Untappd handle is LimerickLady.