Katie Farris Named 2018 Anne Halley Poetry Prize WInner
The 2018 winner of the Anne halley Poetry Prize is Katie Farris for her poem, "The Lords of Time," published in Volume 58, Issue 4. The poem was selected by Ellen Dore Watson, Deb Gorlin, and guest judge Mary A. Koncel.
Katie Farris is the author of Thirteen Intimacies, forthcoming from Fivehundred Places, and boysgirls. She has cotranslated several books of poetry from French, Chinese, and Russian. Her work has appeared in anthologies and Virginia Quarterly Review, Verse, Western Humanities Review, and Massachusetts Review. She is an associate professor in the MFA program at San Diego State University.
Earlier this year, we asked Katie 10 QUESTIONS about her poetry, writing career, and inspiration. Check it out here.