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10 Questions for Dasha C. Nisula

The earth too is a magic coach, my dear,
look at the flocks of elves that pull it
down dark virgin forests of the universe,
and a witch or two, it's known, would like to diverge it
into a coy ditch, in a passionate embrace.

--from "Mozart's Magic Coach" which appears in the Winter 2016 issue (Volume 57, Issue 4).

Tell us about one of the first pieces you translated

The first pieces of poetry that I translated were poems by a Croatian poet Vesna Parun. I had been teaching Croatian at the University of Southern California and was looking for literary pieces that might be of interest to students.  It was when I translated the poem “You With Hands More Innocent” that I decided I had to translate more of her poetry into English.  This process led to a publication of my first book of selected poems by the poet and the first collection of poems by Vesna Parun in English. 

What writer(s) or works have influenced the way you write now?

Writers that have influenced me are Anton Chekhov and Walt Whitman.

What did you want to be when you were young?

When I was very young, I recall that all I wanted was just to learn.  This desire led me to Slavic languages and literatures.  Once I read some Dostoevsky, I knew that I wanted to continue studying literature and eventually teach.

What drew you to write a translation of this piece in particular?

At one of the Literary Talks in Zagreb in late 1990s, I had a chance to meet Mr. Slavko Mihalić who was instrumental in setting up Zagreb Literary Talks.  Not only did he give me permission to translate his poetry, but he gave me a complete volume of his Collected Poems.  I had started translating but did not manage to have enough for a book-length collection while he was still alive.  During the last two years I was able to devote more time to his work and now have enough material for a publication. This particular poem reveals this multi-talented writer who not only wrote poetry but was well competent in the other arts, music and drawing.    

Is there a city or place, real or imagined, that influences your writing?

The three cities that influenced my life and work are Zagreb, Chicago, and St. Petersburg.

Is there any specific music that aids you through the writing or editing process?

The only music that helps me in my work is the music of the original text, then Bach, Mozart, and nature sounds from Solitude series.

Do you have any rituals or traditions that you do in order to write?

As for the rituals or traditions that help me in my work as a translator, I open my mind, ears, and heart to what I am reading and what is calling me.  According to Slavko Mihalić, each poem seeks its poet.  And I say, each poem seeks its translator.  I try to respond.

Who typically gets the first read of your work?

The first person that might read my work may be a family member, Dr. Roxanne Panicacci, or my friend Elizabeth Marquart. Or I just consult my very critical self.

What are you working on currently?

Currently I am working on the second edition of the Selected Poems by Vesna Parun, and a collection of poetry by Slavko Mihalić.

What are you reading right now?

Usually I read more than one book at a time.  Right now I am reading stories by Haruki Murakami and Geraldine Brooks’ People of the Book.

Dasha C. Nisula is a professor at Western Michigan University where she taught Russian language, literature and culture. She is author of four books, and her work has appeared in An Anthology of South Slavic Literatures, Modern Poetry in Translation, Southwestern Review, International Poetry Review, and Colorado Review, among others. A member of the American Literary Translation Association, she lives in Kalamazoo, MI.

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