2015 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize
- By Mass Review

The 2015 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize is Sarah Sousa, for her poem, "Her Moods Caused Owls," published in Volume 55, Issue 3.
Sarah Sousa’s first collection, Church of Needles, won the 2013 Red Mountain Prize and was published by Red Mountain Press in 2014. Her second collection, Split the Crow, was published January 2015 by Free Verse Editions, an imprint of Parlor Press. She is the editor and transcriber of The Diary of Esther Small, 1886 (Small Batch Books), which won the New England Book Festival award for Regional Literature. Sousa holds an MFA in poetry and literature from Bennington College. Her poetry has appeared in the Massachusetts Review, Fugue, Passages North, Barn Owl Review, and Salt Hill Journal, among others. She has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize and is the recipient of a Dorothy Sergent Rosenberg Award. Her poem, “Learning My Name,” is featured at the Poetry in the Park installation project at Edmand’s Park in Newton, MA. She currently writes and teaches poetry in western Massachusetts.
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