2016 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize
- By Mass Review

The 2016 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize is Taije Silverman, for her poem, "Spiritual Evaluation," published in Volume 56, Issue 2.
Taije Silverman is the author of the collection Houses Are Fields, and her poems have been published Poetry, the Harvard Review, Ploughshares, Massachusetts Review, and AGNI. She received the 2010-11 W.K. Rose Fellowship from Vassar College, and has had residencies at the MacDowell Colony and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. In 2010, she was a Fulbright fellow at the University of Bologna. Her translations of Giovanni Pascoli have appeared in The Nation, New England Review, AGNI, Pleiades, Modern Poetry in Translation, and elsewhere. Houses Are Fields was translated into Italian in 2013, by Giorgia Pordenoni. SIlverman currently teaches in the English department of the University of Pennsylvania.
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