2021 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize
Congratulations to ABIGAIL CHABITNOY, the winner of our annual Anne Halley Poetry Prize awarded by the Massachusetts Review!
Our poetry editors along with Guest Judge Nathan McClain have selected Abigail Chabitnoy's poem "Girls Are Coming out of the Water" from MR's Native and Indigenous Authors issue (Vol.61, Issue 4) for the prestigious prize. From the judge's note, the award was given for her poem's "power, music, use of repetition, subtle modulations, and empowering message." A virtual reading with the Abigail Chabitnoy will be held later this spring.
ABIGAIL CHABITNOY is the author of How to Dress a Fish (Wesleyan 2019), winner of the 2020 Colorado Book Award for Poetry and shortlisted in the international category of the 2020 Griffin Prize for Poetry. She was a 2016 Peripheral Poets fellow, and her poems have appeared in Hayden’s Ferry Review, Boston Review, Tin House, Gulf Coast, LitHub, and Red Ink, among others. Most recently, she was the recipient of the Witter Bynner Funded Native Poet Residency at Elsewhere Studios in Paonia, CO, and is a mentor for the Institute of American Indian Arts MFA in Creative Writing. She is a Koniag descendant and member of the Tangirnaq Native Village in Kodiak.
Watch a recording of the Halley reading, which was held May 3 here.