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Volume 2, Issue 1



Liberals and Masses: the Challenge of Communication

By Glenn Tinder


To the Waiters for Miracles

By John Woods


Between Wars: Poems from a Series

By Anne Halley


The Pole

By Gordon Browne


The Cricket

By Frederick Goddard Tuckerman


Advice to a Father Feeling His Capital Gains

By Stephen Sandy


Shakespeare's American Fable

By Leo Marx



By Richard Gillman


Radolphe Bresdin: Bresdin L'Etrange

By Claude Roger-Marx


Seven Lithographs

By Radolphe Bresdin


Radolphe Bresdin: Odilon Redon on his Master Bresdin

By Odilon Redon


Radolphe Bresdin: Bresdin in America

By Marius-Ary Leblond


Radolphe Bresdin:Paul Bresdin on his Father

By Bresdin Paul



By Deborah Austin


Lullaby and Aubade on a Hot Night; Ballard: Nausicaa

By Robert Bagg


Festivals of Autumn; Beach

By B. Colt


To an Artist Who Lost his Life's Work in a Fire; Moths; Temple of the Muses

By Beth Bentley


Dewey's Conception of Philosophy

By Kai Nielson


Mammorial Stunzas for Aimee Simple McFarcen

By Earle Birney


Aspects of the Moon's Nature; An Almost Breathless Early Spring; Sonnet; A Midwinter Night's Dream: Limbo

By Tracy Thompson


A Visit to Red Lake

By Phyllis L. Liebling


Morgan Street

By Jerome L. Mazzaro


Wrung Dry

By Lloyd Zimpel


The Dance: Artistic Honesty

By Jan Veen


In Review: The Genius of Michelangelo

By Dario A. Covi


In Review: Tragic Vision in the Modern Novel

By Seymour Rudin


In Review: Hemingway's Dangerous Summer

By Kenneth Lynn


In Review: An Invaluable Survey of Western Music

By Louise Rood


In Review: Slavery and Personality: A Fresh Look

By John Hope Franklin


To the Editor: On Willett's "Martin Esslin on Bertolt Brecht: a Questionable Portrait"

By John Willett

Cover art

Portrait in Rosewood of Rodolphe Bresdin

By Leonard Baskin

Table of Contents

Liberals and Masses: the Challenge of
Communication, Non-Fiction by Glenn Tinder

To the Waiters for Miracles, Poetry by John Woods

Between Wars: Poems from a Series,
Poetry by Anne Halley

The Pole, Fiction by Gordon Browne

The Cricket, Poetry by Frederick Goddard Tuckerman
    Introduction by Mordecai Marcus

Advice to a Father Feeling His Capital Gains, Poetry by Stephen Sandy

Shakespeare's American Fable, Non-Fiction by Leo Marx

Hallowe'en, Poetry by Richard Gillman

Radolphe Bresdin: Bresdin L'Etrange, Non-Fiction by
Claude Roger-Marx, Translated from the French by
Katherine Allen Clarke

Seven Lithographs, Art by Radolphe Bresdin

Radolphe Bresdin: Odilon Redon on his Master Bresdin,
Non-Fiction by Odilon Redon, Translated from the French
by Alexander and Anne Hull

Radolphe Bresdin: Bresdin in America, Non-Fiction by
Marius-Ary Leblond, Translated from the French by Willard R. Trask

Radolphe Bresdin:Paul Bresdin on his Father,
Non-Fiction by Bresdin Paul, Translated from the
French by Robert B. Johnson

Flautist, Poetry by Deborah Austin

Lullaby and Aubade on a Hot Night; Ballard: Nausicaa,
Poetry by Robert Bagg

Festivals of Autumn; Beach, Poetry by B. Colt

To an Artist Who Lost his Life's Work in a Fire; Moths;
Temple of the Muses, Poetry by Beth Bentley

Dewey's Conception of Philosophy, Non-Fiction by Kai Nielson

Mammorial Stunzas for Aimee Simple McFarcen,
Poetry by Earle Birney

Aspects of the Moon's Nature; An Almost Breathless
Early Spring; Sonnet; A Midwinter Night's Dream: Limbo,
Poetry by Tracy Thompson

A Visit to Red Lake, Non-Fiction by Phyllis L. Liebling,
with photgraphs by Jerome Liebling

Morgan Street, Poetry by Jerome L. Mazzaro

Wrung Dry, Poetry by Lloyd Zimpel

The Dance: Artistic Honesty, Non-Fiction by Jan Veen

In Review: The Genius of Michelangelo,
Non-Fiction by Dario A. Covi

In Review: Tragic Vision in the Modern Novel,
Non-Fiction by Seymour Rudin

In Review: Hemingway's Dangerous Summer,
Non-Fiction by Kenneth Lynn

In Review: An Invaluable Survey of Western Music,
Non-Fiction by Louise Rood

In Review: Slavery and Personality: A Fresh Look,
Non-Fiction by John Hope Franklin

To the Editor: "On John Willett's 'Martin Esslin on Bertolt Brecht:
a Questionable Portrait'", Non-Fiction by Willett John

Portrait in Rosewood of Rodolphe Bresdin,
Cover Art by Leonard Baskin


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