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Volume 27, Issue 2



The Value of Race in Literature

By Victoria Earle Matthews


Contemporary Israeli Poets: Our Blood is the World's Petrol

By Asher Reich


Contemporary Israeli Poets: On Rabbi Kook's Street

By Yehuda Amichai


Contemporary Israeli Poets: Practical Poems

By David Avidan


Contemporary Israeli Poets: Script

By Natan Zach


Contemporary Israeli Poets:Terminal

By Natan Yonatan


Contemporary Israeli Poets: Family Vacation at Banias, Golan Heights, 1982; I'm So Glad

By Karen Alkalay-Gut


Pockets of Power

By Fred Will


Grand Hotel Lembang

By Kester Freriks


Things That Look the Same

By Don Stap


Woodcut of Robert Francis with Poems

By Leonard Baskin


Nostalgia; Surf; Late Fire Late Snow

By Robert Francis


Rushdie's Whale

By Rustom Bharucha


Hosanna in the Highest; Mr World

By Edward Baratta



By Joseph Cady


Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: Ethnicity and Beyond: An Introduction

By Jules Chametzky


Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: The Difficult Miracle of Black Poetry in America

By June Jordan


Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: Becoming a Literary Person out of Context

By Helen Barolini


Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: American Indian Oral and Written Narratives

By A. LaVonne Brown Ruoff


Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: The Mulatto, an American Tragedy?

By Werner Sollors


Mali is very dangerous

By Reginald McKnight


Alphabet; Before Her Life

By Charlotte Nekola


Fruit; Banner of Fish

By Stefanie Marlis


Behind the Swastika

By Josephine Herbst


Song Two; Song Twelve; Song Twenty-Nine; Granny Mary Came Our Way; Under an Aboriginal Tree

By Colin Johnson


The Rise and Fall of the Stockbridge Indian Schools

By James Axtell


Harriet Jacobs: The incidents in the life of a slave girl

By Joanne M. Braxton

Table of Contents

The Value of Race in Literature,
Non-Fiction by Victoria Earle Matthews,
afterward by Fred Robinson

Contemporary Israeli Poets: Our Blood is
the World's Petrol, Poetry by Asher Reich,
Translated by Karen Alkalay-Gut

Contemporary Israeli Poets: On Rabbi Kook's Street,
Poetry by Yehuda Amichai, Translated by Karen Alkalay-Gut

Contemporary Israeli Poets: Practical Poems,
Poetry by David Avidan, Translated by
Karen Alkalay-Gut

Contemporary Israeli Poets: Script, Poetry by Natan
Zach, Translated by Karen Alkalay-Gut

Contemporary Israeli Poets:Terminal, Poetry by
Natan Yonatan, Translated by Karen Alkalay-Gut

Contemporary Israeli Poets: Family Vacation at Banias,
Golan Heights, 1982; I'm So Glad, Poetry by Karen Alkalay-Gut,
Translated by Karen Alkalay-Gut

Pockets of Power, Poetry by Fred Will

Grand Hotel Lembang, Fiction by Kester Freriks,
Translated by E.M. Beekman

Things That Look the Same, Poetry by Don Stap

Nostalgia; Surf; Late Fire Late Snow, Poetry by
Robert Francis, with wood cut by Leonard Baskin

Woodcut of Robert Francis with Poems,
Art by Leonard Baskin

Rushdie's Whale, Non-Fiction by Rustom Bharucha

Hosanna in the Highest; Mr World, Poetry by Edward Baratta

Conferring, Poetry by Joseph Cady

Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: Ethnicity and Beyond:
An Introduction, Non-Fiction by Jules Chametzky

Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: The Difficult Miracle
of Black Poetry in America, Non-Fiction by June Jordan

Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: Becoming a Literary
Person out of Context, Non-Fiction by Helen Barolini

Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: American Indian Oral
and Written Narratives,
Non-Fiction by A. LaVonne Brown Ruoff

Essays on Ethnicity and Literature: The Mulatto, an
American Tragedy?, Non-Fiction by Werner Sollors

Mali is very dangerous, Fiction by Reginald McKnight

Alphabet; Before Her Life, Poetry by Charlotte Nekola

Fruit; Banner of Fish, Poetry by Stefanie Marlis

Behind the Swastika, Non-Fiction by Josephine Herbst,
Edited and with introduction by John Nelson

Song Two; Song Twelve; Song Twenty-Nine; Granny
Mary Came Our Way; Under an Aboriginal Tree,
Poetry by Colin Johnson

The Rise and Fall of the Stockbridge Indian Schools,
Non-Fiction by James Axtell

Harriet Jacobs: The incidents in the life of a slave girl,
Non-Fiction by Joanne M. Braxton

Europe Supported by Africa and America,
Cover Art Drawn by John Gabrieal Stedman
and Engraved by William Blake


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