Volume 4, Issue 1
Colonel Higashi
By Kenneth Lamott
The Moods of a Matchmaker
By Leonard E. Nathan
Cousin Karl
By Robert Perlongo
A Visit
By Anne Halley
Second Sight
By John Haag
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Portrait
By Leonard E. Basking
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: A Legacy of Creative Protest
By Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Think of This, Yankees!
By Reginald L. Cook
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Man's Duty as Man
By Martin Bubber
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau and American Non-Violent Resistance
By William Stuart Nelson
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: The Thoreau Romance
By Louise Osgood Koopman
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: The Half-Hidden Thoreau
By Carl Bode
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: The Concord Academic Debating Society
By Dorothy Nyren
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Civil Disobedience: Principle and Politics
By Leo Stoller
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Letter from Jawaharlal Nehru
By Jawaharlal Nehru
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau In South Africa
By Trevor N.W. Bush
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: The One and Only
By Gray Burr
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Corn Grows in the Night
By Theodore Baird
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Conscience and Disobedience
By Willard Uphaus
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau, detail from bronze model courtesy of the Estate of Jo Davidson
By Jo Davidson
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Henry David Thoreau, bronze bust
By Malvina Hoffman
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau's Prophetic Testimony
By Paul Lauter
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau and the Danish Resistance
By An Anonymous Memoir
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Thoreau's Politics of the Upright Man
By Richard Drinnon
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Fanny Eckstrom's Bias
By Mary P. Sherwood
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Walden Revisited
By Thomas P. McDonnell
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Five Ways of Looking at Walden
By Walter Harding
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Henry Thoreau Once More
By Stanley Edgar Hyman
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau: Afterword
By John H. Hicks
When the Core's Sound
By Robert Bloom
The Cool Night
By Vernon Gotwals
After the New Criticism
By Murray Krieger
Light in Winter; Ritual
By Carl Gary
The Tower; The Faces
By Ann Stanford
Forest Fire; Apostate
By Scott Greer
In Review: Robert Frost at Eighty-Eight
By W.G. O'Donnell
In Review: Classic European Plays
By Raymond Williams
In Review: A Sane View of Tragedy
By Seymour Rudin
In Review: A Majestic Study of Feudal Society
By Thomas N. Bisson
Cover art
Henry David Thoreau, 1856
By B.E. Maxham
Table of Contents
Colonel Higashi, Fiction by Kenneth Lamott
The Moods of a Matchmaker, Poetry by
Leonard E. Nathan
Cousin Karl, Fiction by Robert Perlongo
A Visit, Poetry by Anne Halley
Second Sight, Poetry by John Haag
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Portrait, Art by Leonard E. Baskin
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
A Legacy of Creative Protest,
Non-Fiction by Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Think of This, Yankees!, Non-Fiction by Reginald L. Cook
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Man's Duty as Man, Non-Fiction by Martin Bubber
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Thoreau and American Non-Violent Resistance,
Non-Fiction by William Stuart Nelson
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
The Thoreau Romance, Non-Fiction by Louise Osgood Koopman
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
The Half-Hidden Thoreau, Non-Fiction by Carl Bode,
with five reproductions
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
The Concord Academic Debating Society,
Non-Fiction by Dorothy Nyren
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Civil Disobedience: Principle and Politics, Non-Fiction by Leo Stoller
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Letter from Jawaharlal Nehru, Non-Fiction by Jawaharlal Nehru
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Thoreau In South Africa, a Letter from the Rev. Trevor N.W. Bush
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
The One and Only, Poetry by Gray Burr
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Corn Grows in the Night, Non-Fiction by Theodore Baird
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Conscience and Disobedience,
Non-Fiction by Willard Uphaus
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Henry David Thoreau, detail from bronze model
courtesy of the Estate of Jo Davidson,
Art by Jo Davidson, photo by Gottscho-Schleisner
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Henry David Thoreau, bronze bust,
Art by Malvina Hoffman
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Thoreau's Propheitc Testimony,
Non-Fiction by Paul Lauter, with two reproductions
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Thoreau and the Danish Resistance,
Non-Fiction by An Anonymous Memoir
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Thoreau's Politics of the Upright Man,
Non-Fiction by Richard Drinnon
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Fanny Eckstrom's Bias, Non-Fiction by Mary P. Sherwood
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Walden Revisited, Poetry by Thomas P. McDonnell
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Five Ways of Looking at Walden, Non-Fiction by Walter Harding
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Henry Thoreau Once More, Non-Fiction by Stanley Edgar Hyman
A Centenary Gathering for Henry David Thoreau:
Afterword, Non-Fiction by John H. Hicks
When the Core's Sound, Poetry by Robert Bloom
The Cool Night, Non-Fiction by Vernon Gotwals
After the New Criticism, Non-Fiction by Murray Krieger
Light in Winter; Ritual, Poetry by Carl Gary
The Tower; The Faces, Poetry by Ann Stanford
Forest Fire; Apostate, Poetry by Scott Greer
In Review: Robert Frost at Eighty-Eight,
Non-Fiction by W.G. O'Donnell
In Review: Classic European Plays,
Non-Fiction by Raymond Williams
In Review: A Sane View of Tragedy,
Non-Fiction by Seymour Rudin
In Review: A Majestic Study of Feudal Society,
Non-Fiction by Thomas N. Bisson
Henry David Thoreau, 1856 daguerreotype,
Cover Art by B.E. Maxham