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Volume 44, Issue 1/2

TO HONOR JULES CHAMETZKY, a founding editor of The Massachusetts Review, on his retirement from his co-editorship in 2001, the editors asked Anne Halley and Mary Heath, with the help of Paul Jenkins and David Lenson, to prepare a special issue.

Because of Jules' ranging interests and his leadership role in serving several organizations, the response from invited contributors caused the single to become a double issue. We open this volume with the first recorded "idea" for a review, a memo from Jules in October, 1958. David Clark, a member of the original MR board, explains the memo's context and import in a note. Then John Hicks, who joined the board in 1960, and remained a co-editor until 1984 (he and Jules were co-editors from 1963 until 1974) offers some reminiscences of the early days at MR. We reprint a poem, "June Rain, 1972" by another member of the first MR board, Robert Tucker, who died while still serving as editor in 1982.

Jules made MR a founding member of the Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines, and Pauline Uchmanowicz discusses the history of CCLM and Jules' role in it in her essay. When Jules retired from MR (the first time) in 1974, he was recruited to serve as a negotiator for the first contract and then as President of the faculty union; union comrade and colleague Bruce Laurie both discusses the beginnings of the Union and interviews Jules about his memories of it. When Jules left the presidency, he became the first Director of the Institute for the Humanities at the University. Esther Terry, who was Associate Director at the Institute, here offers him an appreciation. Werner Sollors first worked with Jules at the Kennedy Institue of the the Free Universitiy in Berlin in 1970-1971. His essay weaves together phrases and ideas from Jules' work in Ethnic and Jewish-American literature, fields of study and concentration that emerged to flourish during his academic career, and to which he has been deeply committed. Hilene Flanzbaum, who co-edited Jewish American Literature: A Norton Anthology with Jules, John Felstiner, and Kathryn Hellerstein, has contributed an essay on editing that anthology.

We set out to make this issue reflect Jules' intellectual and aesthetic and social-moral concerns: civil rights, the visual arts as well as literature and ethnic studies. Colleagues from Germany as well as this country contribute essays that address those interests they share with him. Some of his former students have also contri buted to this issue, and we include fiction and poetry. Lisa Baskin contributes eleven drawings by her late husband, Leonard, both of them long-time friends and past editors of MR. And finally, Jerome Liebling studies an old family photograph taken when Jules was fourteen, and meditates on the life of his friend that began in Brooklyn, New York.

We salute your abounding spirit.

—The Editors


non fiction

Jules Chametsky's Memo (October 23, 1958) From Which Sprang the Massachusetts Review, with a Note by David R. Clark

BY Jules Chametzky


June Rain '72

BY Robert Tucker

non fiction

Early Days

BY John Hicks

non fiction

For Jules, In Appreciation

BY Esther Terry

non fiction

Jules Chametzky's Union Years

BY Bruce Laurie


Bruce Laurie Talks Union with Jules Chametzky: An Interview

BY Bruce Laurie

non fiction

Broadening the Canon; or Talmudic Faulknerism: Reading Chamtezky, Knowing Jules

BY Werner Sollors

non fiction

Reflections on Editing Jewish American Literature: A Norton Anthology

BY Hilene Flanzbaum

non fiction

A Brief History of CCLM/CLMP

BY Pauline Uchmanowicz


Four Faces of SNCC

BY Julius Lester

non fiction

Music of New Orleans

BY Stephen Clingman

non fiction

Oriki: Ancestors and Roots

BY Kwame Ture with Ekwueme Michael Thelwell

non fiction


BY Daniel Aaron

non fiction

From Race and Class to the Feminist Press

BY Florence Howe

non fiction

Four Radio Scripts

BY Ursula Junk


Kleist Drawings

BY Leonard Baskin with commentary BY Anne Halley

non fiction

Travelling Memory; The Middle Passage in German Representations

BY Sabine Broeck

non fiction

Postcolonial (?) Linguistic Fieldwork

BY Emmon Bach

non fiction

Contraband Guides: Twain and His Contemporaries on the Black Presence in Venice

BY Paul Kaplan

non fiction

The Intellectual as American: Richard Rorty on "Achieving Our Country"

BY Alan Trachtenberg

non fiction

Carribean Writers and Language: The Autobiographical Poetics of Jamaica Kincaid and Patrick Chamoiseau

BY Rose-Myriam Rejouis

non fiction

The American Academic: Immigrant Bard of Diversity

BY Dale Peterson

non fiction

That Much Credit: Irish-American Identity and Writing

BY Shaun O'Connell

non fiction

"The riffs, runs, breaks, and distortions of the music of a community in transition"—Redefining African Modernism and the Jazz Aesthetic in Langston Hughes' 'Montage of a Dream Deferred' and 'Ask Your Mama'

BY Dr. Gunter Lenz

non fiction

Henry Hurwitz, the 'Menorah Journal,' and the Last Years of an American Romance

BY Lewis Fried

non fiction

Edward Bond's DE-LEAR-IUM

BY Rosette Lamont

non fiction

Salt Women

BY Yehudit Ben-Zvi Heller, Translated by the author, edited by Agha Shahid Ali and Stephen Clingman


Twenty Questions I Wish I'd Asked My Father

BY John Felstiner


Ghazal For Open Hands

BY Martín Espada


Paula Executes the Angels; The Scissor-Tailed Swallow

BY Madeline DeFrees



BY Chinua Achebe


Recognitions & Recollections

BY Joseph Langland



BY Andrew Lass


Aging Amelia

BY Doris Abramson


Walt Whitman in Chile

BY Paul Jenkins


The Confusion About What It Means To Be Human; Fourth of July on the Deerfield

BY Carol Potter


The Way God Must Feel; Atlantis

BY Val Vinokurov


The Eye

BY Adrienne Rich


I Never Meant to Harm Him

BY James Tate


All We Have

BY Ellen Dore Watson



BY Kadya Molodowsky, Translated by Kathryn Hellerstein


The Distant Town of Luniniec

BY Melvin Wilk

Table of Contents

A Family Photograph, Brooklyn, 1942,
with commentary, Non-Fiction by Jerome Liebling

Jules Chametzky's Memo (October 23, 1958) From
Which Sprang the Massachusetts Review,
with a note by David R. Clark

June Rain '72, Poetry by Robert Tucker

Early Days, Non-Fiction by John Hicks

For Jules, In Appreciation,
Non-Fiction by Esther Terry

Bruce Laurie Talks Union with Jules Chametzky:
An Interview, Non-Fiction by Bruce Laurie

Interview with Jules Chametsky,
Non-Fiction by Bruce Laurie

Broadening the Canon; or Talmudic Faulknerism:
Reading Chametzky, Knowing Jules,
Non-Fiction by Werner Sollors

Reflections on Editing Jewish American Literature,
Non-Fiction by Hilene Flanzbaum

A Brief History of CCLM/CLMP,
Non-Fiction by Pauline Uchmanowicz

Four Faces from SNCC, photographs,
Art by Julius Lester

Music of New Orleans,
Non-Fiction by Stephen Clingman

Oriki: Ancestors and Roots, Non-Fiction by Kwame Ture
From the autobiography 'Ready for Revolution: The Life and
Struggles of Stokely Carmichael (Kwame Ture)' by Stokely
Carmichael with Ekwueme Michael Thelwell

Salzburg, Non-Fiction by Daniel Aaron

From Race and Class to the Feminist Press,
Non-Fiction by Florence Howe

Four Radio Scripts, Non-Fiction by Ursula Junk

Kleist Drawings, Art by Leonard Baskin, 11 drawings,
with commentary by Anne Halley

Travelling Memory; The Middle Passage in German
Representations, Non-Fiction by Sabine Broeck

Postcolonial (?) Linguistic Fieldwork,
Non-Fiction by Emmon Bach

Contraband Guides: Twain and His Contemporaries on
the Black Presence in Venice, Non-Fiction by Paul Kaplan

The Intellectual as American: Richard Rorty on
"Achieving Our Country", Non-Fiction by
Alan Trachtenberg

Carribean Writers and Language: The Autobiographical
Poetics of Jamaica Kincaid and Patrick Chamoiseau,
Non-Fiction by Rose-Myriam Rejouis

The American Academic: Immigrant Bard of Diversity,
Non-Fiction by Dale Peterson

That Much Credit: Irish-American Identity and Writing,
Non-Fiction by Shaun O'Connell

"The riffs, runs, breaks, and distortions of the music of
a community in transition"-- Redefining African Modernism
and the Jazz Aesthetic in Langston Hughes' 'Montage of a
Dream Deferred' and 'Ask Your Mama',
Non-Fiction by Dr. Gunter Lenz

Henry Hurwitz, the 'Menorah Journal', and the Last Years
of an American Romance, Non-Fiction by Lewis Fried

Edward Bond's DE-LEAR-IUM,
Non-Fiction by Rosette Lamont

Salt Women, Non-Fiction by Yehudit Ben-Zvi Heller,
Translated by the author, edited by Agha Shahid Ali
and Stephen Clingman

20 Questions I wish I'd asked my Father,
Poetry by John Felstiner

Ghazal For Open Hands,
Poetry by Martin Espada

Paula Executes the Angels; The Scissor-Tailed Swallow,
Poetry by Madeline DeFrees

Madman, Fiction by Chinua Achebe

Recognitions & Recollections,
Poetry by Joseph Langland

Julius, Fiction by Andrew Lass

Aging Amelia, Poetry by Doris Abramson

Walt Whitman in Chile, Poetry by Paul Jenkins

The Confusion About What It Means To Be Human;
Fourth of July on the Deerfield,
Poetry by Carol Potter

The Way God Must Feel; Atlantis,
Poetry by Val Vinokurov

The Eye, Poetry by Adrienne Rich

I Never Meant to Harm Him, Poetry by James Tate

All We Have, Poetry by Ellen Dore Watson

Ne'ilah, Poetry by Kadya Molodowsky,
Translated by Kathryn Hellerstein

The Distant Town of Luniniec,
Poetry by Melvin Wilk

Portrait of Jules Chametzky,
Cover Art by Jerome Liebling


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