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Volume 47, Issue 3

IN THIS ISSUE we present Translation as Resistance, a special section edited by Maria Tymoczko. Translation theory was once an arena for linguistic quib bling and sardonic double-entendres about fidelity But with the postmodern conviction that language and reality are one and the same came the recogni tion that translation marks a borderline where political power—and not mere semantics—is contested. This new and radical view creates a synergy with postcolonial studies, since language has always been a factor in the exercise of hegemony by dominant cultures, as it is a factor in resistance by those they seek to dominate. To complement these speculations we invite you to see Gordon Thome's visual translation of Condoleezza Rice into DarthVader—and back again.

Some good-byes: Corwin Ericson, our managing editor for more than five years, is moving on. Cory saw the magazine through its period of tran sition from the mechanical to the electronic age. Beyond reorganizing many of our aging systems, he has also been a wise judge of quality and relevance in editorial matters.

We also mark the end of our four-year adventure in radio. MR2 went off the air at the end of August. It has been a valuable experience, not only because of the wonderful guests we interviewed, but also as a collaboration with WMUA. Thanks go to Roger Fega, whose tireless co-hosting and co producing created a perfect environment for unscripted conversation.

Oxbow Press, printers of MR's covers, inserts, and broadsides for decades, have closed their doors, casualties of a world that can't tell the difference between fine art and digital simulacra. All our best wishes go to Gail Alt and Roberta Bannister, whose work could and should fill a museum.

And hellos: Katie Winger, our new managing editor, is a Smith College alumna currently completing an MBA at UMass. At the Northampton design studio Impress she gained wide experience in production, working on projects for Disney magazines, among many others. We also welcome back Bob Dow, poet and peace activist, as Associate Editor for fiction. And finally, for this issue's cover and insert we begin working with The StucUey Press, a well known fine arts printer based in Dalton, Massachusetts.

David Lenson
for the editors




By Galway Kinnell


Dolphins Dancing Somewhere off the Coast of Cuba

By Nate Haken


Imaginary Island

By Holly Iglesias



By Audrey Petty


Jacob Wrestling All through the Night

By Ellen Wehle


Algerian Funeral

By Abe Louise Young


Translation: Ethics, Ideology, Action

By Maria Tymoczko


Translation and Activism: Emerging Patterns of Narative Community

By Mona Baker



By Oliverio Girondo


The Resistant Political Translations of Monteiro Lobato

By John Milton


Kitchen of Paradise

By David Huerta


Suppression of the Erotic: Puritan Translations in Israel 1930-1980

By Nitsa Ben-Ari



By Inge Pedersen


Literary Translation and the Construction of a Soviet Intelligentsia

By Brian Baer


Studies for the Woman--Condi & The Search for a Newer World Order

By Gordon Thorne


The World Is but a Place of Language

By Marlys West


Cheer Me Up, Pony-Dog

By George Shelton


Nice Guys

By Siobhan Adcock



By Allan Peterson


Cut Flowers

By Cynthia Huntington


Winter Break

By Rusty Dolleman


Condi Vader

By Gordon Thorne

Table of Contents

Sex, Poetry by Galway Kinnell

Dolphins Dancing Somewhere off the Coast of Cuba,
Fiction by Nate Haken

Imaginary Island, Poetry by Holly Iglesias

Soundtrack, Fiction by Audrey Petty

Jacob Wrestling All through the Night,
Poetry by Ellen Wehle

Algerian Funeral, Poetry by Abe Louise Young

Translation: Ethics, Ideology, Action,
Non-Fiction by Maria Tymoczko

Translation and Activism: Emerging Patterns of
Narative Community, Non-Fiction by Mona Baker

Biarritz, Poetry by Oliverio Girondo,
Translated from the Spanish by Daniel Coudriet

The Resistant Political Translations of Monteiro
Lobato, Non-Fiction by John Milton

Kitchen of Paradise, Poetry by David Huerta,
Translated by Mark Schafer

Suppression of the Erotic:
Puritan Translations in Israel 1930-1980,
Non-Fiction by Nitsa Ben-Ari

Poetry by Inge Pedersen, Translated by Marilyn Nelson

Literary Translation and the Construction of
a Soviet Intelligentsia, Non-Fiction by Brian Baer

Studies for the Woman—Condi & The Search for
a Newer World Order, Art by Gordon Thorne

The World Is but a Place of Language,
Poetry by Marlys West

Cheer Me Up, Pony-Dog, Poetry by George Shelton

Nice Guys, Fiction by Siobhan Adcock

Ago, Poetry by Allan Peterson

Cut Flowers, Poetry by Cynthia Huntington

Winter Break, Fiction by Rusty Dolleman

Condi Nader, Cover Art by Gordon Thorne


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