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Volume 47, Issue 4

IN A LITTLE OVER two years, this quarterly will have a miraculous birthday: its fiftieth. It is tempting to use the antici pation of this event as an excuse for a vapid gloat, noting that literary magazines are like mayflies, ephemera, creatures of a day. MR, while not a Galapagos tortoise just yet, is no mayfly either.

All truisms contain a particle of truth. One says: longevity is of less importance than quality of Ufe. A magazine's history should inform the current table of contents, but never determine it. For this reason we are imagining our birthday celebration as something other than retrospective. The 2009 half-century issue will be all new, rather than a compilation of reprints. We will turn to past contributors, but to new voices as well. Between now and then, we'll extend our traditional commitment to civil rights with a special queer studies issue.

All this takes money. We are excited to announce that MR is one of only two literary organizations in Massachusetts to be selected for the 2006 Catalogue for Philanthropy, the most authoritative arbiter of charitable and cultural organizations in the state. Their editors wrote, "MR is one of the nation's leading literary magazines, and further distinctive in joining highest level artistic concerns with pressing public issues." Visit their website ( to see our page, and consider making a donation yourself, no matter whether you're a philanthropist, philateUst, philanderer, or Philadelphian. We've got another half century to pay for.

David Lenson
for the editors



Killing the Messenger

By Sean Thomas Dougherty


Plauge Time

By Lee Upton


There'll Be a Full Recovery

By Paul Gibbons



By Faye Wolfe


A Necromancer's Guide to Child Rearing

By Rachel Marston


Hang Up Please and Try Dialing Again

By Kurt Heinzelman


Barbour Street

By Samuel Amadon


Production, Churches, the Concrete of Chaos, Flames

By Tomaz Salamun


From Mexico to Miramar or, Across the Lake of Oblivion

By C.M. Mayo


Untitled (white days, a passion for the winter-birds)

By Kevin Goodan


My Heart

By Dan Ward


Night Lessons: A Writing Assignment

By Brad Richard


Seeing Things

By Marianne Boruch



By Travis Venters


campaign speech

By Rob Cook


Traffic of Our Stage: A Touch of the Poet

By Normand Berlin



By Stanley Koehler



By Noah Blaustein



By Ted Sanders


A Covenant and a Busted Tooth

By Joshua Michael Stewart


Elegy for Francoise Vatel

By Amy Scattergood


Lolita, Who's Your Daddy?

By Gerald Williams


Camp in the Pines, West of Alexandria, LA, Summer 1863

By Rawdon Tomlinson


In Trouble with the Dutchman

By Alix Ohlin


Decaying Hallway 2004

By John Gray

Table of Contents

Introduction, by David Lenson

Killing the Messenger,
Non-Fiction by Sean Thomas Dougherty

Plague Time, Poetry by Lee Upton

There'll Be a Full Recovery, Poetry by Paul Gibbons

Rahoo, Fiction by Faye Wolfe

A Necromancer's Guide to Child Rearing,
Fiction by Rachel Marston

Hang Up Please and Try Dialing Again,
Poetry by Kurt Heinzelman

Barbour Street, Poetry by Samuel Amadon

Production, Churches, the Concrete of Chaos,Flames,
Poetry by Tomaz Salamun,
Translated by Ana Jelnikar and Joshua Beckman

From Mexico to Miramar or, Across the Lake of Oblivion,
Non-Fiction by C.M. Mayo

Untitled (white days, a passion for the
winter-birds), Poetry by Kevin Goodan

My Heart, Fiction by Dan Ward

Night Lessons: A Writing Assignment, Poetry by Brad Richard

Seeing Things, Poetry by Marianne Boruch

Anniversary, Poetry by Travis Venters

campaign speech, Poetry by Rob Cook

Traffic of Our Stage: A Touch of the Poet,
Non-Fiction by Normand Berlin

Clay, Poetry by Stanley Koehler

03/04, Poetry by Noah Blaustein

Momentary, Fiction by Ted Sanders

A Covenant and a Busted Tooth,
Poetry by Joshua Michael Stewart

Elegy for Francoise Vatel,
Poetry by Amy Scattergood

Lolita, Who's Your Daddy?,
Non-Fiction by Gerald Williams

Camp in the Pines, West of Alexandria, LA,
Summer 1863, Poetry by Rawdon Tomlinson

In Trouble with the Dutchman,
Fiction by Alix Ohlin

Decaying Hallway 2004, Cover Art by John Gray


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