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Front Cover by Barry Moser
W.E.B. Du Bois, 2008
4.25 X 6.25 INCHES

Created especially for the Massachusetts Review

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Volume 49, Issue 3

BARRY MOSER'S striking new image ofW. E. B. Du Bois on the cover of this issue serves as a vivid reminder of one of this magazine's guiding spirits. It is sometimes difficult to remember, given Du Bois' international influence and his general residence on planet Earth, that he was born and raised in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and went on to earn the first PhD conferred by Harvard University on an African American. Du Bois was still alive when the Massachusetts Review was founded, and for the Spring issue of 1960 he contributed an article, "A Negro Student at Harvard at the End of the Nineteenth Century." The library at the University of Massachusetts is named for him, as is the Department of Afro-American Studies.

MR has published at least nine articles concerned primarily with Du Bois and his work, notably John Hope Franklin's "personal memoir" and Ernest Allen Jr.'s meditation on double consciousness. As the magazine became more involved with the Civil Rights movement, attracting contributors like the Reverend Martin Luther King in 1962, the spirit of Du Bois took even deeper root. As a thinker he is notable for the flexibility of his approaches. If one method reached a dead end, he'd find another way to get closer to the heart of the matter.

And here we are, still wrestling with questions of race and democracy. Du Bois was born only three years after Emancipation, but as we ponder Barry Moser's rendition of that face so effervescent with curiosity, can we find distant fore knowledge of a black presidential nominee, who may even have a chance of winning?

David Lenson
for the editors



Mr. Vesey Comes to Work

By J. Weintraub



By Doug Anderson


(People Almost Always Smell Good in the Art Museum)

By Julian Olf


Crowded Rooms

By Karen Kevorkian


The Way the Vase Got Broken

By Francine Witte


Every Shot, Every Episode, 2001

By Melissa Shook


A Woman in the News

By Jo Neace Krause


Blessed Be Creation; Words to the Bereaved

By Sarah Gemmill


Invasion: Evening Two

By Thomas Glave



By Brandon Krieg


The Contents of this Shoe Box Are of Greater Worth than Your Life

By Sean Casey


Peer Into

By Nick Courtright


Breaking Point

By Michael Carolan



By Louise Mathias


The Last King of China

By Mike Antosia


Case study: rain

By Ron Winkler


The Sorry Line

By Alexandra Budny


The Bicycle Lesson

By Ellen Prentiss Campbell



By Kathy Dull



By Katherine Longstreet


The Sound Barrier

By John Witte


They Keep Falling

By Ingrid Satelmajer


Traffic of Our Stage: Pinter’s The Homecoming

By Normand Berlin



By Patricia Colleen Murphy


Letter to Send

By Taije Silverman


Africa under Her Skin

By Jeffrey Drayer


Cover Art

By Barry Moser


Case study: rain

J.D. Schneider

Table of Contents

Introduction, by David Lenson

Mr. Vesey Comes to Work,
Fiction by J. Weintraub

Revolutionaries, Poetry by Doug Anderson

(People Almost Always Smell Good
in the Art Museum), a play by Julian Olf

Crowded Rooms, Poetry by Karen Kevorkian

The Way the Vase Got Broken,
Fiction by Francine Witte

Every Shot, Every Episode, 2001,
Poetry by Melissa Shook

A Woman in the News, Fiction by Jo Neace Krause

Blessed Be Creation and Words to the Bereaved,
Poetry by Sarah Gemmill

Invasion: Evening: Two, Fiction by Thomas Glave

Stairs, Poetry by Brandon Krieg

The Contents of this Shoe Box Are of Greater
Worth Than Your Life, Fiction by Sean Casey

Peer Into, Poetry by Nick Courtright

Portraits, Art by Barry Moser

Breaking Point, Nonfiction by Michael Carolan

Snowdrop, Poetry by Louise Mathias

The Last King of China, Fiction by Mike Antosia

Case study: rain, Poetry by Ron Winkler,
translated by J. D. Schneider

The Sorry Line, Poetry by Alexandra Budny

The Bicycle Lesson, Fiction by Ellen Prentiss Campbell

Tsuchiyama, Poetry by Kathy Dull

Zócalo, Fiction by Katherine Longstreet

The Sound Barrier, Poetry by John Witte

They Keep Falling, Fiction by Ingrid Satelmajer

Traffic of Our Stage: Pinter's The Homecoming,
Nonfiction by Normand Berlin

Crave, Poetry by Patricia Colleen Murphy

Letter to Send, Poetry by Taije Silverman

Africa under Her Skin, Fiction by Jeffrey Drayer


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