Taije Silverman named the winner of the 2016 Anne Halley Prize for Poetry
Congratulations to Taije Silverman,
winner of the
awarded by the Massachusetts Review
Poetry Reading by Taije Silverman
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
7:00 p.m. at Amherst Books
Taije Silverman is the 2016 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize for her poem "Spiritual Evaluation," published in Volume 56, Issue 2.
Taije Silverman is the author of the collection Houses Are Fields, and her poems have been published Poetry, the Harvard Review, Ploughshares, Massachusetts Review, and AGNI. She received the 2010-11 W.K. Rose Fellowship from Vassar College, and has had residencies at the MacDowell Colony and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. In 2010, she was a Fulbright fellow at the University of Bologna. Her translations of Giovanni Pascoli have appeared in The Nation, New England Review, AGNI, Pleiades, Modern Poetry in Translation, and elsewhere. Houses Are Fields was translated into Italian in 2013, by Giorgia Pordenoni. SIlverman currently teaches in the English department of the University of Pennsylvania.
About Houses Are Fields: Taije Silverman's debut collection chronicles her family's devotion and dissolution through the death of her mother. Ranging in style from measured narratives to fragmented lyrics that convey the ambiguity of loss, these poems both arc into the past and question the possibility of the future, exploring the ways in which memory at once sustains and fails love. Ultimately the poems are elegies not only to one beloved mother, but to the large and diffusive presences of Keats, Mandelstam, a concentration camp near Prague, a coming-of-age on a Greek island, and the nearly traceless particles of neutrinos that—as with each detail toward which the poet lends her attention—become precious as the mother departs from her position at the center of the world. Furious, redemptive, and deeply immediate, Houses are Fields is a beautifully moving first book.