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Gary J. Whitehead Named the Winner of the 2017 Anne Halley Prize for Poetry

The 2017 Winner of the Anne Halley Poetry Prize is Gary J. Whitehead, for his poem, "Music from a Farther Room," published in Volume 57, Issue 4.

Gary J. Whitehead is a poet, teacher, and crossword constructor. His third collection of poems, A Glossary of Chickens, was published by Princeton University Press in 2013. His previous books include Measuring Cubits while the Thunder Claps and The Velocity of Dust. He has also authored three chapbooks of poetry, two of which were winners of national competitions. His writing awards include, among others, a New York Foundation for the Arts Fellowship, the Pearl Hogrefe Fellowship at Iowa State University, and the PEN Northwest Margery Davis Boyden...


6th Annual Jules Chametzky Translation Prize Awarded

The winners of the sixth annual Jules Chametzky Translation Prize are Aleksandar Brezar and Enis Ćišić, for their translation from Bosnian of Karim Zaimović's short story, "The Secret of Nikola Tesla," published in the Fall 2014 issue.

Aleksandar Brezar was born and lives in Sarajevo. He has worked as a journalist at Radio 202 and a translator for several documentary films and other projects for PBS, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, AL Jazeera English, and the Sarajevo Film Festival. His translations have appeared in the Massacusetts Review, the Brooklyn Rail,, PešCanik, and Lupiga.

Enis Ćišić is an illustrator and comic book artist, working...

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